Now that it’s getting colder, it may seem harder to get daily physical activity.  Did you know that physical activity is just as important for your mind as it is for your body? Getting daily exercise can improve your overall mood and wellness by reducing anxiety and depression and boosting feelings of self-esteem.  Click this link to read more about how physical activity can improve mental health:

Silhouette Kids Being Active

Read on for ideas that will keep you active this winter!

  1. Try taking the stairs instead of the elevator! Increasing steps and flights of stairs climbed can be beneficial for your health in many ways, such as increasing muscle mass, promoting weight loss, and reducing stress
  2. Try to go on a brisk walk every morning! Getting up and starting your day on a healthy note is a great way to improve your mindset for the day.
  3. Raking leaves and snow shoveling is a great way to get some activity in! Bundle up and head outside to work your arm muscles.
  4. Park further away from store entrances. This will increase your total steps for the day and carrying groceries a further distance can improve arm strength!
  5. If you have a dog, take it for a walk, both your dog and your body will appreciate it!
  6. Have a snowball fight, build a snowman, or play in the leaves! Getting the kids involved is a great way to increase both you and the kid’s activity levels. Running away from snowballs can be a great form of cardio!
  7. Plan one physical activity outing a week for the family! This can include something like a hike or a bike ride to the park!
  8. Find a walking partner! Having a friend or family member can help you stay on track of your walking goals, and vise-versa.


This post was written by Emma Nolan, a Penn State student studying Biobehavioral Health.


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